Important terminogy of insurance

Important terminology of Insurance

i) Insurer: A person or organization who promises to pay or compensate to the loss of other at a given risk is called insurer.
ii) Insured: Insured is the person who insures his life or property and gets protection or compensation from the other. He is also called policyholder.
iii) Premium: Premium is the sum paid by insured to the insurance company in exchange of the policy he/she purchased.
iv) Insurance policy: It refers to a document containing the terms and conditions of the contract or insurance. This policy binds both the insurer and insured to fulfill their duties.
v) Insured amount: The amount for which the policy is issued is called subject matter or insurance.
vi) Subject matter of insurance: Anything which is insured is called subject matter of insurance.
vii) Insurable interest: It refers to the interest of insured in the subject matter of insurance.

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